Category Archives: activity

Skiff sessions in the new year

If you haven’t been to the club recently, you might not be aware that the skiff rowing sessions are back after the ice on the loch has disappeared. Here are some photos from a recent session.

If you would like to take part, try it out or want to have a chat with some of the rowers contact the club to find out when the next session is.

“Sticks ?‍♀️ and Rags ⛵️ on Forfar Loch”

The FSC Midsummer Madness – a day of fun in the sun on Forfar Loch dawned cloudy and blustery with the threat of a shower or two. The North Queens Ferry visitors arrived first with the St Andrews visitors not long behind and the weather was soon forgotten as the skiffs were prepped and launched and after a coffee and cake the first crews took to the water.

As the day progressed the visitors utilised the hosts and other Forfonians on the oars who where all willing crews and very little pressing was needed. Once the skiffs had been tried some of the sailors took to the water for a blast in the blustery north eastish-north westish breeze with some exciting reaching getting the sail dinghies planning nicely, with only yours truly wetting his sail.

A rowing skiff seen through some grass on the shore, the name 'Blue Bay' and number 122 at the bow. 4 rowers and a cox

As the afternoon drew on the gauntlet was thrown and what can be thought of as the Inaugural Forfar Skiff race (now there’s an honour) saw a St Andrews vs North Queens Ferry race start with St Andrews making a powerful start and leading to the turning buoy, an admirable effort from the N Queens crew saw them close the gap on the turn but not quite able to drive the power through on the second half to over take the St Andrews team who finished first – well done. No prizes (this time) but bragging rights for the First Skiff to win a race on Forfar Loch go to St Andrews. ?

This was a great day with lots of people on the water and at the club, huge thanks to the visiting clubs we are very grateful and with the opportunity to chat to other local skiff clubs the beginnings of new club relationships and friendships have been commenced. As always thanks to FSC members for the great showing on the cake front and come down to try ‘pulling the sticks’.

rowing a skiff

Here is a video of some of us rowing a visiting skiff, want to find out more? Come and see us this Sunday (19-06) when there are more skiffs to see. Coffee and tea will be available, with a piece of cake or a biscuit.

A visiting skiff with members of the sailing and water sports club having a go.

Race report

Tuesday series 3

Tuesday 3:4 was sailed as a 40 Min Pursuit race, ZFC all on port, in a generally Easterly light 1-2

With the start line significantly misaligned with A mark. Becci in her laser radial was due to start 10 seconds ahead of the solos but using A mark was well down on the line so one solo headed for the line ahead of the laser causing confusion – the second gun @10 sec was assumed by the second solo to be a recall which created an unsatisfactory start. Eventually, Tony, Becci, Erwin, Bill, and Dennis who appeared to be well handicapped on start time came through to eventually take all but Becci on the run to F.

After Tony hit Z in a still mark in a drifting moment and did his turn Becci regained first later in the run but Dennis made good on the beat. Tony almost caught Becci and had to duck on Port within the last 30 sec. Bill enjoyed the sail, however, Erwin did not recover from the starting confusion.
A lovely summer evening, but not for consistent sailing!


Race report

Sunday series race report

Wind direction: All over the loch
Speed: 1-3 Miles p/h
pursuit race, course: F, E, D, C all to starboard. Starting at normal start line.

The wind dropped away just as the race started. With the Solo start just 10 seconds after the Laser and the Streaker only 25 seconds after that, the Lasers had hoped to make more ground. The so called windward leg to F was very slow Becci and Conor stayed in the lead but Helen fell behind as she drifted closer to the spit. Fortunately the breeze picked up just a little as the boats all headed to E. Conor was in the lead approaching D but somehow Becci managed to sneak past just as the wind dropped. Conor sailed backwards for a time allowing Helen to move into second place. From D to C Bill moved into third place and Conor managed to stay ahead of Erwin as the final whistle blew.

  1. Becci
  2. Helen
  3. Bill
  4. Conor
  5. Erwin

Race 2
Wind speed: 4-7 Mile p/h
pursuit race, course: F, C, K

Again the lasers started first, this time with a reasonable breeze to get going up to F. Helen made a good start but seemed to struggle going across to C allowing Erwin and Becci to overtake. Heading back through the gap Erwin took the lead and stayed ahead down to K. Helen and Becci were close behind, followed by Bill and Conor. The breeze filled in a little and it was close as the leaders rounded F and headed back to C. Helen managed to stay upwind of Erwin and rounded C just ahead and kept the lead until they were back through the gap and the final whistle blew.

  1. Helen
  2. Erwin
  3. Becci
  4. Bill
  5. Conor
Race report

Tuesday series 1.2 *

The excitement was tangible, we were finally getting back on the water to race. And what a turnout for 1.2 Tuesday points, Helen in a club Laser radial, Becci in her newly acquired laser (immaculately kept and with an incredible reputation from TC) with a radial sail and Conor with his new Laser from ”down south” and a brand new radial sail and rigging… that’s all going to be some competition this season! Joining the fun Erwin concluded that the boom acquired whilst his was repaired did not pass muster forwent his Solo and joined Bill in his Wanderer for their first time together. Nick Whyte’s Solo had appeared during the week after a  full years absence suggesting his potential presence which was not to be a disappointment and Tony W joined him in another Solo.

An interesting undulating breeze that had turned quite cold but from ESE, an unusual direction welcomed the fleet and to keep the numbers up  a pursuit race ensued with the Wanderer starting on time, Laser Radials 1min 56sec later and the Solos 2min 9 seconds after the Wanderer. Because of the wind direction and the lack of buoys in the right places (where has G gone what’s A mark doing marking the gap?) the course was set as h port, k starboard, L starboard, and f port… and a lot of puzzled faces, but we thought we’d all got it sorted out.. not completely though!

Bill and Erwin got off to grand start demonstrating the best point on the line.. we all thought, then Helen started further South, found the wind and was off apparently very quickly catching up on Bill and taking a march on Becci who started further down the line. Nick very quickly made up the Solos handicap time whilst Tony made the wrong choice going lower than Becci. Where was Conor… well when you have all that new rigging you’ve got to enjoy putting it all together…. but it can mean you miss the start of the race… he enjoyed the sailing when all assembled!

Helen and Nick lead the race 1 and 2 until Nick decided to take L to port and had to revisit it to give everyone else a chance. At that point Bill was Third and Tony and Becci were having a chat at the back! In total only one lap was completed in the 40 minutes, Helen , with a significant lead running to F lost the wind completely and allowed the rest of the fleet to catch up significantly and was overtaken by Tony and Nick on the last leg. Giving a result of:

1 Tony
2 Nick
3 Helen
4 Becci
5 Bill and Erwin

But enjoyed by all
(* the first Tuesday series was not raced due to stormy conditions)