Health & Safety

Sailing is a fun and safe activity
but some common sense guidelines need to be observed.

  • Personal buoyancy must be worn by all when on the water or working on the jetty.
  • The rescue/safety boat is out of bounds to all cadets except in a rescue or ferrying situation.
  • Capsize practice is encouraged but must be agreed and supervised by a competent adult.
  • The jetties and slipways are there for launching and recovering boats and to allow access to and from the loch. They are not a general play area. The designated club play area is the Sandy bay to the N.E of the club behind the exercise area. Cadets should seek parental permission before using the bay.
  • If a cadet or parent is in any doubt about any aspect of safety they should bring it to the attention of a committee member who will take appropriate action.

Forfar Loch, in common with other inland waters, has suffered periods of poor water quality. Blue green algae has been present on occasions. Contact with the water at these times may adversely affect your health. You are therefore advised to satisfy yourself that the water is safe.

Please note that Angus Council does not permit swimming in the loch.

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