Wind direction: All over the loch
Speed: 1-3 Miles p/h
pursuit race, course: F, E, D, C all to starboard. Starting at normal start line.
The wind dropped away just as the race started. With the Solo start just 10 seconds after the Laser and the Streaker only 25 seconds after that, the Lasers had hoped to make more ground. The so called windward leg to F was very slow Becci and Conor stayed in the lead but Helen fell behind as she drifted closer to the spit. Fortunately the breeze picked up just a little as the boats all headed to E. Conor was in the lead approaching D but somehow Becci managed to sneak past just as the wind dropped. Conor sailed backwards for a time allowing Helen to move into second place. From D to C Bill moved into third place and Conor managed to stay ahead of Erwin as the final whistle blew.
- Becci
- Helen
- Bill
- Conor
- Erwin
Race 2
Wind speed: 4-7 Mile p/h
pursuit race, course: F, C, K
Again the lasers started first, this time with a reasonable breeze to get going up to F. Helen made a good start but seemed to struggle going across to C allowing Erwin and Becci to overtake. Heading back through the gap Erwin took the lead and stayed ahead down to K. Helen and Becci were close behind, followed by Bill and Conor. The breeze filled in a little and it was close as the leaders rounded F and headed back to C. Helen managed to stay upwind of Erwin and rounded C just ahead and kept the lead until they were back through the gap and the final whistle blew.
- Helen
- Erwin
- Becci
- Bill
- Conor