Wind direction: West
Wind speed: 12-14 Mile p/h
Handicap race, course E, D, K to starboard, A to port.
David Mark and Jamie got a flying start while Tony was caught out on Port tack and had to avoid the fleet. Helen chased across the line having had to rush up the loch from a rescue mission near “Z” and was soon in 3rd place. Tony capsized on the 3rd Lap and Dave ended up briefly encountered on the spit leaving the Radials to romp home in the first four positions with Jamie, Becci, Helen then Mark showing how it’s done.
- Jamie
- Becci
- Helen
Second race, same course but windspeed reduced to 4-7 Miles
The wind was still lively as we started Race 1.5, but by the time the fleet had reached “E” for the first time the wind was dropping. The second lap was dire, with the wind falling to nothing as it edged to the South. Much determination was needed to finish, especially Lyall in his Topper who managed to scrape in just under the hour in 59:45 (for 8th place)
- Tony W
- Conor
- Mark K