Last Tuesday’s sail was almost called off, the wind was whipping the shores and made us contemplate if we should go out or not. We decided to go onto the water and ‘see how it goes’. With 4 Lasers and a Solo we did shorten the course to keep within a short distance of each other just in case. After the countdown with 5 seconds to go, Becci capsize. The rest managed to get away (Helen, Jamie, Conor and Erwin) followed shortly after by Becci. Direction C, F, K and G.
All struggled to keep their boat upright, all capsizing at least once, except for Erwin who managed to keep the sail out of the water although he did take on a large amount of water at on stage.
Becci retired halfway due to the strong wind and wanting to keep herself from more damage to her shoulder.
Helen managed to snap the toestrap, but fought back to get alongside Erwin, asking how much longer. The clock showed 39:58,.. 39:59,.. and 40:00 minutes of sailing had passed. Helen had managed to get about half a boat length in front, followed by Erwin and then Jamie less than a boat length behind Erwin. Conor was just into the channel, proving this a close race.