Skiff launch

Skiff on foreground with female holding Quach, behind the boat you can see rows of spectators and the roof of the clubhouse

Last Saturday, 5th November saw the cumulation of 12 months of work coordinated by Forfar Rotary of the building and launch of Forfar’s New community St Ayles Skiff.

 If you have been watching Facebook over the past year you will be aware of the progress of refitting the Strathmore cricket clubs storage shed with a vapour barrier, electrics and benches, the building of formwork moulds loaned by Royal Tay’s Broughty rowing section, massive fundraising by Rotary’s Gordon Peterkin, development of epoxy techniques in sub-zero temperatures (well it felt like that), the incredible commitment and enthusiasm for 3 half days a week for at least 10 months, of a small number of amateur boat builders and some very necessary participation and guidance from a couple of retired craftsmen, the final sanding, and 5 coat painting and varnishing by another select group of volunteers.. and an awful lot of other volunteer support.. (Including coffee makers).

And.. eventually, in almost record time an incredible crowd of more than 100.. some say 150 to welcome the launch of our new skiff… the Greg Luckhurst named after a local businessman/plumber who died recently in the prime of his life and whose family contributed the seed corn funding for the project.

This will be the first of two skiffs to be funded by a selection of sources, national and local funds, local businesses, and personal donations which will be owned by the Rotary charity fund but given to FSWC to use and manage as we see fit to grow skiff rowing for the healthy enjoyment of the community.

The build team are having a 3-month break to 1st March until it gets warm enough for the epoxy before we start on the second one.

There are still some teething issues to be sorted out, but we had a great day with Catterline and North Queensferry skiffs saluting us on the launch and Radio sailors boats in attendance.. and a lot of folks had a row!!   Not a row!

3 different skiffs on the water with the oars in vertical position.

Details of follow-up sessions will follow, but the first session is on Saturday 19th at 10 am when we will have our first row by ourselves, 20 max in the session.. and all the places may have gone by now!!

Watch this space.. The committee is discussing organisation on Monday and details will be on our Facebook site. I’m delighted that Sarah Ramage an enthusiastic Rotary member is coordinating it all and did a splendid STV interview earlier this week that’s the publicity we need!

Contact point:- skiff

 Look back at Forfar Community Skiff or Forfar Rotary Facebook pages for some of the historic photos

The new skiff with 5 people rowing in an angle away from the viewer.
