As we spend more time outdoors, we must consider risks to safety so here are a few tips to help have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Everyone wants to see our countryside and enjoy our waterways and coastline, but please remember, any area of water, including reservoirs, canals and rivers can hold hidden dangers and this is particularly pertinent for those who might wish to swim to the islands found on the Tay as it passes through Perth.
With many stretches of water in the county being located in remote areas, help will often be some considerable time away, so take responsibility for your own actions and make sensible decisions to stay safe around waterways.
Be responsible and enjoy a safe summer by: Being aware of the dangers when out hillwalking, cycling or near areas of water. Think about the risks and plan to minimise them.Never underestimating the current, temperature or depth when in water.Never get into the water alone and don’t go swimming after drinking alcohol.If you get in trouble in water, float to live.
You can find out more about inland water safety from our partners Scottish Water.
To get more information about how to enjoy sea sports and Scotland’s coastline safely, get advice from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) and HM Coastguard, and general advice about water safety is also available from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).
If you see someone in difficulty or at risk at sea or along the coast always dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.