Dear Members,
I hope that you are well. Following the First Minister’s announcement to move to Phase 1 tomorrow and Angus Alive’s announcement to re-open the car parks at their country parks, I would like to update you on the plans for Forfar Sailing Club.
The committee has put together a plan to follow each of the proposed government stages. Please be assured that our primary consideration continues to be the health and safety of our members. I attach for your information the plan for Phase 1, which will take effect from tomorrow. Please do read through and familiarise yourself with the arrangements.
You will see that there is the opportunity for members to start returning their boats and beginning to sail individually or with another individual/family whilst maintaining physical distancing. Whilst Forfar Loch is a large public space with lots of visitors, it is important that we ensure that the Club is not seen to be encouraging groups of individuals or families to meet at the same time. To assist this, we are asking that you please check the online calendar to confirm a space and email the Club when you intend to visit. The times will be added to the online calendar which can be found on the Club’s website under ‘when do we sail?’
Any members who have a boat stored at the tattie shed should contact Tony Walker directly to arrange access.
If you haven’t already done so, then we would be pleased to receive your membership renewal. For your convenience we would ask that you complete this using the online form and paying by BACS. please remember that we changed out account to the Bank of Scotland at the start of this year so make sure that you use the new details, which are provided on the online form.
This has been a challenging time for everyone and we appreciate your continued support as we take small steps towards restarting our Club activities. We will continue to monitor the Scottish Government’s advice and will advise you of any changes to the arrangements.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the rest of the committee for their support and camaraderie over the last few months. I look forward to seeing you all on the water at some point soon.
All the best,
Helen Brown
FSC Commodore