Category Archives: race reports

First of the Twilight series

Wind direction: NE, force 1-2
Boats on the water: 2 Solos, 1 Laser, 1 Streaker, 1 Mirror and a Topper

With hardly any wind the start was slow, Conor was away first in the mirror, Erwin followed in a topper. A few minutes later, when they were still on their way to Z, the solos followed (slowly), streaker and last the laser. Slowly floating towards Z, rounding this and on the way to D, Conor and Erwin almost managed to round D before any other boat overtook them. Conor got lost in the weeds towards the shore, and Erwin had to let Nick, both Tony C and W pass him, not long after followed by Bill. Conor tried the path over the island as he was moving and didn’t want to stop, all boats going towards Z again got as far as past the clubhouse except for Erwin and Conor. In the 50 minutes, no-one made it past Z again (as far as I could see from my position). Hoping for more wind next time, we went on shore and were caught by the rain that managed to drench all of us.
Following races will start at 18:30 due to the darker evenings.

(edited to update Conor’s name, had Collin. Apologies)

Race report

Busy race – Tuesday pursuit with 10 boats

This night we had the most boats out this season, there were 3 solo’s, 2 lasers, 1 enterprise, 1 Firefly, 1 solution, 1 streaker and a mirror! With a slow wind from NE, the course was set for Z, G, F, C and A all to starboard. A 50-minute pursuit was set and the weather was great. Nice evening sailing. The order at the end of the 50 minutes was:

  1. Dave
  2. Tony C
  3. Malcolm
  4. Dennis
  5. Nick
  6. Sally
  7. Erwin
  8. Bill
  9. Conner
  10. Tony W (retired)
Race report

Sunday race report

Wind east 2/3.
Great turnout of 9 boats. Really good start , all away within 5 seconds. First leg down to L. Where is that asked a number of sailors. L is for leisure centre (old) or L is for long way down the loch. Anyway they all managed and in close order at that. All going well , one Topper exceptionally so but the other not so much.
Two lasers at the front followed by the solution , welcome back Dennis. .
Lasers first and second across the line thought they had won but the exceptionally well sailed Topper beat them easily  .Well done Sebastian but why did you change boats mid stream so to speak ( he sailed the Solution in race two) Alas it was no solution for Seb. who finished 7th in race two. 

Race Two.
Wind shift necessitated course change to a more familiar G as first mark.
Another good start Malcolm and Graham, both lasers duelled around the course with Malcolm eventually winning the duel and the race.
And Becci ! As you said at least you were not lapped , although it was a close call.
And well done Kirsten Brown for trying in the race. Tony Cook

Race report

Race report Sunday 09/06

Time: 14:00:00
OOD: Dennis Burgin
Wind direction and speed:West, 15-18
Handicap race, course: E – starboard,D – starboard,C – starboard,G – port,K -port,A – port

Sunday was a bright and breezy day, ideal for a day on the Loch. Four boats took to the water: Malcolm Heron in his Lazer, David Smith in his Firefly, Sebastian Kimber with crew Martha Treffrey in a Feva and Jonathan Treffrey in Topper.
At the start, Malcolm was first to cross the line followed closely by David. Sebastian was a few seconds behind with Jonathan eventually crossing the line to join the race. The boats proceeded around the course in that order with no changes of position and with increasing distance between each one despite the attempts of some crews to give others an advantage. Sebastian and Martha used the gennaker at every opportunity and in their enthusiasm, they overshot D mark and had to go back, David got tangled up at K and Jonathan mistook the G mark for Z and sailed off in the wrong direction. Malcolm sailed flawlessly to a convincing win. Malcolm and David completed 3 laps with the other two boats finishing 2.

1st Malcolm Heron
2nd David Smith
3rd Sebastian Kimber / Martha Treffrey
4th Jonathan Treffrey

Time: 15:20:00
Handicap race, course: E – starboard,D – starboard,C – starboard,G – port,K -port

The second race was very similar to the first but with everyone making a much better start. There were fewer mistakes being made, the first race practice paying off. Jonathan sailed the correct course and the Feva crew seemed to have better sail control. The wind reduced for the second half of the race making it impossible for David to reduce Malcolm’s lead and the results were the same as the first race but with the fleet staying a little closer together.

1st Malcolm Heron
2nd David Smith
3rd Sebastian Kimber / Martha Treffrey
4th Jonathan Treffrey

Race report

Tuesday race report

With a lazy breeze and sunshine at the start, Dave in his Firefly took off first, followed soon by Sally and Eoghan in a Solo. Sally had a good start with Eoghan lagging behind. Only 40 seconds later to be followed by Becci and Erwin in the Enterprise all started by the whistle from Malcolm to start last in his Laser.
Due to the late start of Eoghan, Becci managed to pass him soon after the start, while Sally was gaining on Dave rapidly.
Not long after the first lap had gone around C, did she manage to overtake Dave. Meanwhile, Malcolm was in pursuit and crept passed Eoghan and Becci. Sally at the front was fighting to keep the lead, especially when Dave was getting some good wind and speeding past, only to overshoot K. All ground gained was wasted while he had to turn back to pass K.
Eoghan managed to get himself a good lift coming through the channel and got him inside Becci to take the 4th spot when the time had run out. Malcolm did not manage to get close enough to Dave and Sally, although with 5 more minutes who knows?